Sunday, October 24, 2010

Change Facebook Look

Here are some tips to change facebook look using Mozilla Firefox..

1. Using the Applications provided by
- Use Mozilla Firefox Browser
- Go to
- Select Start Install
- Install Add-ons and restart Firefox after it.
- Log your facebook account
- Go to
- Install the application on your facebook PageRage.
- Then select the view you want facebook.
- Finish and see the changes.

2. Using the services provided by
- Use Mozilla Firefox Browser
- Install Add-ons available at https: / /
- Install Add-ons and restart Firefox after it.
- Log your facebook account.
- Go to
- Then select the view you want facebook.
- Click the "Load into Stylish" and Save.
- Refresh your facebook page
- Finish and see the changes.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Web Design Tips

Some of  Web maker have problem to custom their new web.. Here are some tips to custom or design your new web..

1. Formulating Objectives Create Website

Based on the content and purpose, a website can usually be classified as follows:

* Website marketing, serves as a media presentation and marketing
* Customer service site, serves as a medium to serve the consumer.
* E-Commerce Web site, serves as a medium for online transactions
* Website information / news, serves as an information media news

2. Website Design

Factor beauty of a website interface design is one of the most important factor in determining the success of a website, in addition to factor loading speed. A good site to have a unity of design bias is said to have a common theme in the pages of its web. This is important in terms of aesthetics and navigation. The similarity of design that is usually maintained between other common types of fonts used, colors, navigation buttons (menu), where the menus and so forth.