Reduce means we reduce the use of materials that could damage the environment. Reduce also means reducing spending on goods that you are not "too" need like new clothes, accessories or anything extra that essentially is a reduction in demand. Reduce also use tissue paper with a handkerchief, reduce use of paper in the office with a print preview before printing so that no one, read online newspapers, and others.
Reuse itself means re-use such as for example to give your used clothes to the orphans. But the closest is to provide clothes that are too small on your brother or sister, except that baby clothes are worn only a few months is still good and can be given to the brother in need.
Recycle is a recycling of goods. Is easiest to recycle organic waste in your home, use a plastic bottle of drinking water marks or anything as a potted plant, to recycle waste paper to a paper return. Recycling on a large scale in Indonesia has not become a habit. Bins that differentiate between organic and non-organic is not the road. In fact ultimately more environmentally insurgents who recycle creatively and pass it to many people than the government.
Repair made into 4R 3R. Repair is much overlooked by many people, and this is actually the most important thing in Indonesia.Repair is the restoration effort for the sake of the environment.Example repair of damaged goods we use to get back as we fix the broken-down shoes because then we do not need to buy new shoes. The other thing is the reforestation or greater improvement in this critical area because we could have a larger catchment areas and hold abundant water which can cause landslides.Mangrove planting is also an environmental improvement.Retreading tires also repair so that we can reuse.